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Champlain National Bank Gives Back to Local Communities This Christmas

Champlain National Bank employees are once again spearheading projects throughout Essex, Clinton, and Franklin counties to help make the holidays brighter for local families.  The Project We Care program at Champlain National Bank partners with local agencies and schools throughout the region to help collect toys, food, warm clothing, and other items, which are provided to people in need in our communities during the holidays.  The Bank provides the majority of the funding to fulfill these projects, which is supplemented by the generosity of our employees and people from the communities we serve.  Projects are as follows:

Champlain: In partnership with the Mooers Community Giving Tree, tags are available to be picked up at our branch, which list warm winter clothing items needed by students from Mooers Elementary.  To help: give us a call at (518) 983-3314 or stop by the branch to pick up a tag.  Please return the clothing unwrapped by December 9 with the tag attached.

Crown Point:  Working with the Crown Point Central School District, we will be collecting gifts for children in need who attend the school.  The Crown Point branch has a Christmas tree full of tags, each listing a local child’s wish and need.  These gifts need to be returned wrapped with the tag attached by December 12.  We’re also collecting non-perishable food and hygiene products to give to these students and their families.  To learn more or to help, please call (518) 983-3322.

Elizabethtown:  Continuing a long-standing tradition and partnership with Adirondack Community Action Program, our branch will once again be a drop off location for ACAP’s Holidays are for Sharing Toy Drive.  We are asking the community to help us find items for older children (like hats, gloves, basketballs, footballs, lotion and body wash sets, makeup, ear buds, etc.)  New and unwrapped items can be dropped off into a large collection bin inside our lobby any time during business hours.  The deadline is December 15.  Please call the branch at (518) 873-6347 with any questions.

Keene: We are collecting warm clothing for local children and senior citizens in need, working in conjunction with local churches and the Keene Valley Neighborhood House.  To help: give us a call at (518) 576-9515 or stop by to pick up an angel or mitten tag, which will give details about the person’s size.  Gifts need to be returned to the branch by December 16 and can be either wrapped or unwrapped with the tag attached.

Lake Placid: We are collecting toys, toiletries, clothing, and gift cards for the North Elba Christmas Fund.  Tags listing a local child’s Christmas gift wishes will be in the branch.  Please return the unwrapped gift to the Lake Placid branch by December 12.  If you need more details about the Christmas Fund, you can call (518) 523-7070.

Plattsburgh Downtown:  Working in partnership with Stafford Middle School, help us purchase needed items for older kids Christmas.  Tags listing a child’s need and even wishes are located at our branch.  We ask that you return the gift wrapped by December 16.  Give us a call at (518) 562-1785 to learn how you can help.

Plattsburgh (500 Route 3): Working in partnership with Plattsburgh High School, help us purchase needed items for older students Christmas.  Tags listing a child’s need and even wishes are located at our branch.  We ask that you return the gift wrapped by December 16.  Give us a call at (518) 561-6000 to learn how you can help.

Saranac Lake: We are collecting toys, toiletries, clothing, and gift cards for the North Elba Christmas Fund.  Tags listing a local child’s Christmas gift wishes will be in the branch.  Please return the unwrapped gift to the Saranac Lake branch by December 12.  If you need more details about the Christmas Fund, you can call (518) 304-5200.

Westport: In partnership with Boquet Valley Central School District, we will be providing gifts for children who another social service agency might not reach.  The Westport branch has a Christmas tree full of tags, each listing a local child’s wish and need.  These gifts need to be returned wrapped with the tag attached by December 12.  You can also donate spare change into special change jars located at Westport businesses and we’ll put it towards these gifts.  We’re also collecting non-perishable food and hygiene products to give to these families.  Call (518) 983-3316 to learn how you can help.

Willsboro: We are collecting food for the Willsboro Food Shelf to help keep them stocked during the holiday season, and to fill Christmas Baskets.  Any non-perishable food can be dropped off in the box located in the lobby during business hours.  For any questions, please call (518) 963-4201.

“Employees of Champlain National Bank are always looking for ways to give back to their communities, and Project We Care has become our signature annual event that allows us to take care of some of the most vulnerable people in our area.  We know that the holidays can be difficult for people in need, so we hope our Project We Care initiatives help make the season a little easier for our neighbors,” said Jackie Hallock, Director of Marketing.  “It’s also important to us that everything collected goes to families and children in need in the North Country and Adirondacks.”

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