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Certification Empowers Team To Deliver Exceptional Customer Service Consistently

CST Group Inc., a PROACTIVE IT Management firm that specializes in helping MUNICIPALITIES and COMPLIANCE-DRIVEN INDUSTRIES to SECURE, PROTECT and MANAGE their TECHNOLOGY, has earned the World-Class Customer eXperience Trained (WCCXT) certification.

This training was led by The DiJulius Group, whose consulting clients include Starbucks, Lexus, Ritz-Carlton, KeyBank, Nordstrom, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department and many more.

To become certified, companies must go through three months of training and show that they’ve deployed the strategies in their business. Only a small percentage of those who go through the training actually earn their certification because of the transformation it requires.

The WCCXT was specifically designed for IT companies and managed services firms to train their staff on advanced customer experience concepts. so that they can provide better service to their clients and customers and make the often-confusing world of technology easy to understand.

“So many small businesses in Northern NY are underserved and unprotected from very real cyberthreats. Much of this is due to the IT industry’s failure to explain in very complex, technical terms in a language that anyone can understand. CST Group is committed to providing the best service to our local community and that meant training EVERYONE on how to present these issues in relevant ways to our clients so that they have the information they need to make the best decision instead of overwhelming them.”

“We also realize that this industry is known for its terrible client communications which means when a business does have a problem, they could feel like they are left in the dark. Going through and becoming certified helped us to identify these gaps and we’re confident that we’ll be able to provide better service and a better experience than ever before.” – Lisa A Brown, CEO and Founder, CST Group Inc.

To date, less than 20 IT companies have earned the right to be WCCXT certified, and it will soon be seen as the gold standard in the industry for those that value excellent service and experience.

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