The North Country Chamber of Commerce is welcoming the appointment of Barbara Rice as the new Executive Director of the Adirondack Park Agency to succeed Terry Martino who is retiring.
"Governor Hochul has chosen extremely well," says Garry Douglas, Chamber President, "tapping a respected figure who has a broad and deep understanding of Adirondack issues. I first became friends with Barb during her time on the Franklin County Legislature, working on such things as tourism, broadband and cell phone coverage, economic development and the future of Trudeau Institute, among other matters. She then became a champion of the North Country as a member of the economic development team in the Governor's office, including key leadership on plans related to ORDA and the upcoming World University Games. She is knowledgeable, dedicated, collaborative and strategic. I can't think of a better selection for this key regional position at this point in time, and I and others are greatly looking forward to working with her in her new role. Onward and upward!"
Garry Douglas
President and CEO North Country Chamber of Commerce> |